
How to Win the Husband Game | 3 Things ANYONE Can Do

How to Win the Husband Game | 3 Things ANYONE Can Do

Okay, I realize I run the risk of sounding like I think I know everything about being a husband and father. I wrote just a few weeks ago about how to be a great dad, and now I have the nerve to tell everyone how I’ve mastered the husband game too??? Well, as I said in that last article, I am FAR from having this all figured out. I probably wouldn’t have even tried to write this article, except my wife kept insisting that I should (apparently, she seems to think I’m a fairly decent husband…which means my brainwashing strategy is working perfectly). So, wherever you find yourself on the relationship spectrum, here are the three ways that I try to show love to my wife every single day…

How to be a Great Dad | 3 Simple Tips

How to be a Great Dad | 3 Simple Tips

Dads need to know how they can win, and I firmly believe if you can be consistent in these three areas, you will absolutely win the fatherhood game. You’ll have bad days, your kids will have bad days, there will probably still be an unfortunate goth phase around 14…but ultimately your kids will have that stable foundation only a dad can offer that will help them turn into the functional adults we all hope and pray they will become (you know, so they can finally move out of your house). Okay, enough jibber-jabber…let’s go!

3 Tips for an Awesome Marriage | How to Keep Love Alive

3 Tips for an Awesome Marriage | How to Keep Love Alive

Sarah and I just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. Not exactly a major milestone or anything, but we’re three kids into this thing and still extremely happy (tired…but happy). We also find ourselves in a season where we seem to have a bunch of younger people in our lives getting married, engaged, or becoming Instagram-official…love is in the air, I guess. And because of that, I find myself talking to a lot of guys asking the same question: how do you have an awesome marriage? Here are three things that have kept Sarah and I going through even the toughest seasons of our marriage…

Hunting with your wife...romantic weekend or instant divorce?

Hunting with your wife...romantic weekend or instant divorce?

Inside EVERY man is still a 12 year old boy who wants to go on an adventure, to play in the dirt, and he wants to do that with the people he likes the most (that's you). And in much the same way that boys on the playground don't understand that pulling a girl's hair doesn't communicate affection the way they intend it to, men are not always sensitive to the fact that guys and girls tend to like different adventures. We can't fully fathom why a week in the woods chasing animals wouldn't seem like the best time ever to the woman that we love, in the same way you can't fully understand why a Saturday at a farmer's market makes him want to gouge his eyes out with a rusty spoon. It's a wiring issue...we're just built differently.